Our Roots

Pioneering Sustainable
Forest Energy

ACFOR Energy brings a paradigm shift in renewable energy, blending efficiency and environmental stewardship. Our approach, rooted in European efficiency models, emphasizes biomass as a carbon-neutral, highly efficient energy source, surpassing traditional heating methods in sustainability and effectiveness.

The ACFOR Energy Difference

At ACFOR Energy, we stand out by harnessing the power of biomass in heating and cooling, taking inspiration from Europe's successful model. Our focus is on efficiency, where biomass boasts up to 90% efficiency compared to the 30% of traditional methods. We advocate for district energy systems, promoting self-sufficiency in Canadian municipalities and community groups. Our approach not only restores forests but also offers a practical, eco-friendly solution to heating needs, aligning with global emissions targets and supporting a transition to a diverse renewable energy mix.

Mission and Impact

ACFOR's mission transcends traditional forestry and energy models, focusing on ecosystem restoration and efficient biomass use. We prioritize community participation, offering long-term revenue to woodlot owners and cost-effective heating solutions.

Our practices demonstrate how forestry can be both profitable and conservative in restoration strategies. With a significant role in meeting global climate goals, ACFOR is at the forefront of restoring the Wabanaki - Acadian Forest, playing a critical part in carbon balance, ecosystem restoration, and combating climate change impacts.

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Meet the Team